The question “What shall we have for dinner?” arose. Ordering pizza was offered as an option, but I felt up to the task, and leapt a the opportunity to figure out how these “pizza” things were made.
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Month: October 2011
Cheesy Wholemeal Buns of Comparative Roundness
My little sister requested hamburgers, having enjoyed the buns of the previous night. I was happy to comply.
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White Bread Buns of Yeasty Experimentation
Only insofar as I had not baked bread at this point.
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The Sponge of Simplicity
I noticed a fair number of recipes calling for an already-cooked sponge. This included lamingtons and the like. A sponge seemed a good number to add to my repertoire.
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Sir Carrot Cake II
After a long day, I decided to bake something familiar. Recalling the success of the previous carrot cake, I attempted to bake it again.
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Lemon Loaf of Zesty Crumbiness
Wishing to branch out from what I perceived to be a particular section of baking, perhaps the “Confectionary” section, I baked a lemon loaf.
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Coconut Chocolate Brownies of Over-Plenty
These brownies were very enjoyable, although their plentitude was due to a mistake in measurements.
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Initial Carrot Cake of Moistness
I baked this cake on the day my family returned from their holiday, and it disappeared very quickly.
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Rather Pale Chocolate Cake
This cake tasted more chocolatey than it looked.
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Honey Cake Sans Raisins (And Baking Paper)
My second attempt at a honey cake went fairly well. The cake didn’t stick to the pan.
Continue reading “Honey Cake Sans Raisins (And Baking Paper)”